
Here you can find your company details, your account security and personal details, and more. General is where you can change the company’s information, and chat settings. On the right hand side of the screen, you can find the Hey Oliver code that you need to copy to your website for the platform to work.

Written by Christina, Thomas, Elena

Account Settings

How do I change the account information?

You simply go to Settings > Account and make any amendments you want. In the end, don't forget to click on 'Update account information' for your changes to be saved.

How do I change my personal information?

You simply go to Settings > Account > Personal and make any amendments you want. Don't forget to click on 'Update your account' for your changes to be saved.

How do I change my chat avatar?

You just need to go to Settings > Account > Personal. You will see a picture with the default avatar. If you click on the 'Edit' button next to it you will be able to change...

How can I exclude my IP?

You first need to go to Settings > Account where there is a setting called "Exclude traffic from IP addresses". In this field you can insert your IP address and press on enter for it...

How do I switch between different domains?

To switch between different domains, you just need to click on your username on the top right corner of your screen. Next, click on 'Switch Account' and choose the domain that you...

How can I add new domains?

When you are on Settings > Account, click on 'Domains'. Next, insert your website's URL in the blank field and click on 'Create new account'. That was it, you are now good to...

How can I delete a domain?

When you are on Settings > Account, click on 'Domains'. Next, find the domain(s) that you want removed, and click on 'Delete' next to each of them. That was it, you are now good to...

Bubbly Settings

Can I change the bubbly icon?

Of course! Just go to Settings > Bubbly.  You will see a field called 'Bubbly icon' from which you can choose your favourite from the drop-down menu. Don't...

How do I hide bubbly?

Just go to Settings > Bubbly. You can change the 'Visibility' setting from which you can choose to either Show or Hide Bubbly. Don't forget to click on 'Update...

Can I translate the texts within Bubbly?

The texts within Bubbly are fully-customizable meaning that you can change them to any language you prefer. You just need to go to Settings > Bubbly and make any changes that you...


User Groups

How can I create a new User Group?

At the Settings > Account > User Groups screen, click on ‘New User Group’ on the top right corner of your screen. Select a name for this group, click on Save and...


Can I change the permissions of a user group?

Yes, of course. You just need to go to Settings > Account and you will find a tab called ‘Permissions’. From there, you select the corresponding User Group and change the...

API Integration

How to connect Zapier with Hey Oliver

Zapier allows you to instantly connect Hey Oliver with thousands of popular apps to automate your processes and easily integrate the leads in your company workflow. The official Zapier...


How can I create a new FAQ?

To create a new FAQ, first go to Settings > Bubbly > FAQ. Click on “Add new FAQ” on the top. Fill in the Title field and customize the Content field as you wish,...

How can I hide an FAQ?

To hide an FAQ, go to Settings > FAQ. Find the one you want to hide, and click on the last button on the right for it to be set to ‘Off’. Don’t forget to...