How can I change the appearance of Bubbly?

Written by Christina

To change the appearance of Bubbly, go to Settings > Bubbly.

You have the option to change any of the texts such as the Welcome Title, the Welcome Text and so on.

You can customize the colours of Bubbly by clicking on the Interface Color, Badge Color or Notification Counter Color and choose the one of your preference.

The Bubbly icon is also customizable, and you can choose your favourite from the drop-down menu.

You can customize the text for any of the Inner Bubbly Functions fields, by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button. Don’t forget to click on 'Apply changes' to save your work.

You can also hide any of the features by moving the green bar from right to left and vice versa.

Another option that you have is to change the order of the Inner Bubbly Functions, using drag and drop.

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to click on Save on the bottom of your screen in order for your changes to be applied.

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